
In South America almost all the countries speak Castilian Spanish. There are some differences between European Spanish and South American.

Most notedably, in Spain the pronoun ‎‎"vosotros" is used while in South American spanish "ustedes" (Uds., when abbreviated) is more common. ‎The second big difference with the original Spanish from Spain, is the ‎pronunciation of the letter "z", which in South America, pronounced as "s".‎

But there are significant differences as well, between the countries, in the way ‎they speak Spanish. As it happens in all the world, each region has its own way ‎to express their everyday language, mixed from the street´s culture, and foreign ‎languages as well.

The word to call those regional differences is, in spanish, ‎‎"modismos".‎

Chile has their own "modismos",called "chilenismos". Most of them are very ‎funny and have double meaning, and a sense of humor.‎

There are lots of Chilesnismos, but we are going to focus specially in their particular use ‎of some verbs, and their meanings.‎

The following is a list of 35 "chilenismos", we have translated it first to the ‎common Spanish and after to English.‎

* achacarse – entristecerse - ‎‎to be sad
‎ ‎
* aforrar - pegarle a alguien - ‎‎to beat somebody
‎ ‎
* agarrar pa'l leseo – burlarse de ‎alguien - make fun of
‎ ‎
* apechugar – hacer frente - face up to
‎ ‎
* atracar - besarse y acariciarse - ‎‎to kiss and caress
‎ ‎
* bolsear – pedir - to ask
‎ ‎
* cachar – entender, comprender ‎‎- to understand
‎ ‎
* catetear – insistir - to insist
‎ ‎
* chupar – beber alcohol - to drink alcohol
‎ ‎
* copuchar – chismorrear - to gossip
‎ ‎
* darle a alguien – intimar en el ‎sentido sexual - to keep close relation in a sexual ‎sense
‎ ‎
* dar boleta - ganar mucho - to earn a lot
‎ ‎
* dar julepe – tener miedo - be afraid

* echar pinta - Lucirse, mostrarse ‎‎- show off
‎ ‎
* estar agarrado de alguien – ‎estar enamorado o querer mucho a la pareja - to be ‎in love or very attached with the couple

* estar apestao /á – estar ‎aburrido o cansado de hacer algo - to be bored or ‎very tired of doing something

* estar cagado – estar en ‎problemas - to be in trouble

* estar pato – no tener dinero - ‎‎be penniless

* hablar cabezas de pescado – ‎decir tonterías - to talk nosense

* hacerse el loco – fingir - to pretend

* hacer una vaca - hacer una ‎colecta - to collect money

* Ir rajado - ir muy rápido - to go very fast>

* meter cuco - asustar - to scare

* pasarlo chancho - pasarlo muy ‎bien - to have a good time

* patear - terminar un romance o ‎relación - to finish a relationship

* pintar el mono - hacer el ‎ridículo para llamar la atención - to make a fool of ‎oneself to be noticed

* poner el gorro - ser infiel - to be to unfaithful

* rajar – reprobar un examen - ‎‎fail a test

* rajarse - invitar y pagar - to invite and pay

* sapear – mirar - to look, observe

* tener cue(v)a - tener suerte -‎‎to be lucky

* tener tuto - tener sueño - to be sleepy

* tirar pa' arriba - subir el ánimo - ‎‎cheer up

* toyear - mentir. contar cuentos - ‎‎to lie, to tell stories

* tupirse - confundirse - to mix up

Here is a short and funny video presentation, giving us a glimpse of some Chilesnismos. Don't worry if you can't understand much, Chilenos are famous for speaking very fast, even for the standards of other Spanish speaking countries.

enjoy! :-)

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