Spanish Verbs ending in "-ar"

Hello there!

So, here we have our first lesson on Spanish verb endings. Everyone knows that one of the hardest things about learning verbs in Spanish is to memorize and use the Spanish verb conjugations.

Basically, verbs in Spanish may either end in -ar, -er or -ir. Examples:

(to sing)

(to drink)

(to go up)

On this post (and the next ones to come on this topic) we will be seeing some rules about all the verbs ending in "-ar".

Why are we starting here? Because verbs ending in "-ar" are a true pleasure to work with. First, verbs in Spanish ending in "-ar" are all regular verbs (some do need a change in the "stem" or "root", but I will be writing more about those later), which means that once you learn how to conjugate one, you will have learned all.

So, to demonstrate, here is a very common verb in Spanish that we're going to conjugate one in the PRESENT TENSE: The verb "Amar" (to love):

Yo amo
Tú amas
Usted ama
Él ama
Ella ama
Nosotros (as) amamos
Vosotros (as)amáis
Ustedes aman
Ellos aman
Ellas aman

Here is a list of 20 common verbs that share the "-ar" ending:

1 - Comprar (to buy)
2 - Nadar (to swim)
3 - Llegar (arrive)
4 - Trabajar (to work)
5 - Preparar (to prepare)
6 - Conversar (to chat, to talk)
7 - Escuchar (to hear)
8 - Limpar (to clean)
9 - Cocinar (to cook)
10 - Lavar (to wash)
11 - Asegurar (to assure)
12 - Viajar (to travel)
13 - Sacar (to take out)
14 - Gustar (to like)
15 - Colocar (to place)
16 - Practicar (to practice)
17 - Tocar (to touch; to play a musical instrument)
18 - Explicar (to explain)
19 - Gozar (to enjoy)
20 - Hablar (to speak)


The best way I've found to learn and memorize Spanish verb conjugations is to use the list above (well, any list really), and practice each verb with each of the subject pronouns at a time. For example, run the list above first with YO, then TÚ, etc.

On the nest post I will be placing some exercises. See you then!

1 comment:

  1. esta me auda con mi tadera de espanol. gracias.
