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Basically, a reflexive verb is one that needs to have a reflexive pronoun attached to it.

What are Reflexive Pronouns?

In English, reflexive pronouns are words like myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves and themselves.

Reflexive verbs - also called reflexive constructions – are very popular in Spanish (more so than in English). These verbs indicate that the “doer” of the action receives the action back to him.

For example, when you say in English “I look at myself in the mirror”, the doer “I” receives back the action “look in the mirror”. This, of course, is indicated by the use of the reflexive pronoun “myself”.

Reflexive pronouns in Spanish may also indicate who the doer is. In the sentence, “Nos duchamos por la mañana” the word “nos” (ourselves) indicates that “we” are the doer. There is no need, albeit it’s not wrong to say it, to use the word “nosotros”.

A reflexive construction always has two (sometimes three) main elements:

The subject (not always needed) + a reflexive pronoun + verb

See these examples:

- Nos duchamos por la mañana. (We shower in the morning.)

- Siempre te miras al espejo. (You always look at yourself in the mirror.)

- Me afeito todos los días. (I shave (myself) every day.)

As said before, Reflexive verbs in English are not quite as common as in Spanish. However, the use of reflexive pronouns in English is indeed equivalent to the reflexive pronouns in Spanish. Example:

Leo se defendió. (Leo defended himself.)


Me (myself)

Te (yourself)

Se (yourself/ himself/ herself)

Nos (ourselves)

Os (yourselves)

Se (yourselves/ themselves)

Notice that the persons Ud., Uds., él/ ella, and ellos/ ellas have the same reflexive pronoun : se.

To conjugate a reflexive verb, use the corresponding reflexive pronoun.
Use the following model to form reflexive verbs :

bañar (se) (to bathe, to take a bath)

(Yo) me baño

(Tú) te bañas

(Él, Ella, Ud.) se baña

(Nosotros/as) nos bañamos

(Vosotros/as) os bañáis

(Ellos/as, Uds.) se bañan

List of reflexive verbs in Spanish

Spanish has numerous reflexive verbs. Because they are used with their corresponding reflexive pronouns, textbooks and dictionaries usually list them with the pronoun se attached to the infinitive lavar (se), afeitar (se), vestir (se), etc.

Remember that their English equivalents may not necessarly be used in a reflexive way (with –self, -selves).

Here there is a list of 22 reflexive verbs of common use. Remember that practically any verb that takes a direct object may be used with a reflexive pronoun:

afeitarse (to shave)

cepillarse (to brush)

mirarse (to look)

quitarse (to take off)

vestirse (to dress)

ducharse (to take a shower)

maquillarse (to put on make up)

levantarse (to get up)

sentarse (to sit down)

quedarse (to stay and to remain)

enojarse (to get angry)

aburrirse (to get bored)

cansarse (to get tired)

preocuparse (to worry, get worried)

cortarse (to cut)

caerse (to fall)

dormirse (to fall asleep)

lastimarse (to hurt oneself)

curarse (to heal, to recover)

enfermarse (to get sick)

olvidarse (to forget)

defenderse (to defend oneself)


Fill the blanks conjugating the reflexive verb in brackets, including the corresponding pronouns, in the Present Tense.


Ella (bañarse) ______ todas las mañanas, después de tomar su desayuno.

Ella se baña todas las mañanas, después de tomar su desayuno.

1) Ud. (enojarse) ______ con facilidad.

2) Los niños (dormirse) ______ temprano todas las noches.

3) Gabriel nunca (olvidarse) ______ de llamarme en mi cumpleaños.

4) Yo siempre (aburrirse) ______ en la clase de Historia.

5) En mi opinión, Martha (maquillarse) ______ demasiado.

6) Tú no (afeitarse) ______ todos los días.

7) Hoy los empleados (quedarse) ______ hasta más tarde en la oficina.

8) Vosotros (preocuparse) ______ excesivamente por hacer bien el trabajo.

Click HERE for the Answers


Profesor Jason gives us an amazing and detailed explanation of what Spanish reflexive verbs are and how to use them in the everyday life.


1) Ud. se enoja con facilidad.

2) Los niños se duermen temprano todas las noches.

3) Gabriel nunca se olvida de llamarme en mi cumpleaños.

4) Yo siempre me aburro en la clase de Historia.

5) En mi opinión, Martha se maquilla demasiado.

6) Tú no te afeitas todos los días.

7) Hoy los empleados se quedan hasta más tarde en la oficina.

8) Vosotros os preocupáis excesivamente por hacer bien el trabajo.
